Design Process
- A conference with the architect and client will accomplish an understanding of the project, its scope and objectives.
- A site visit will serve to better understand the relationship of the landscape and setting into which the architecture will be placed.
- For renovation projects, a review of the existing structure will first take place.
- A thorough review and definition of the needs, requirements and desires of the client.
- A preliminary discussion and agreement between client and architect of the economic scope of the project.
- Schematic design sketches will be developed for review and discussion with the client. It is in this stage that the project concept is born and developed. The client will have ample opportunity to express their ideas as well as modify and redefine their wishes.
- Design development drawings will correct the schematic concept along with taking into account the client’s input.
- Upon completion of the design development, a cost estimate is prepared by the architect so the client and architect can again evaluate the economic scope of the project as a result of the design development.
- If necessary, alterations to the design can be made at this stage in order to align the project design with the budget.
- After the approval of the design development stage, the architect will next prepare the detailed construction drawings and specifications required for construction of the project.
- Selecting the contractor: The architect, by agreement of the client, will select two or more contractors in order to obtain competitive pricing for the construction of the project. In some cases, it might be appropriate for the client to enter directly into a contract with a single builder of choice on a negotiated bid basis.
- The architect will make site visits during the process of construction in order to approve construction requisitions for the client. Site visits also serve in reporting to the client on the progress of the work and assisting the contractor where necessary. We feel that the inspection role of the architect during project construction is an important factor in the success of the project.