The home is the most private and sacred place for family living; it's where we retreat daily to live, love and raise our families. Our Architectural company had its start designing homes more than 50 years ago. At first small homes, then larger, then smaller homes again as folks downsized for their retirement years.
Our design services started in the mid 1960's with small homes of +/- 1,400 sq ft., in the hillsides of Vermont. These private homes offered more to skiers and vacationers than motels: they provided a place to keep their things, private views, and a mountain community living experience all while keeping valuable farm land intact.
As our lives at home or at work change over time, we look to either add rooms, spaces or renovate existing areas. A bedroom might become a den or a home office, the carport may become a garage, or a home might become a dental or business office. The possibilites are endless. RCWA meets the changing needs of families, professionals, retailers, and public facilities as part our our work all the time.
The places we work, shop, do business and worship serve us better if they're well designed and comfortable; helping us focus on tasks before us or being in a relaxing environment with other people. We strive to make all experiences in our surroundings; both inside and outside, a joy of everyday living.
Our resort architecture starts with the owners and ultimately serves the public. Each building or service component, along with beaufiful landscaping, are all part of RCWA's master planned designs. It is important for us at RCWA to ensure the public can enjoy their vacation, work, or play; together in harmony at these resorts.
We evaluate wonderful historic structures to assess their integrity and see what is needed to breathe new life into them; re-purposing where necessary to meet current needs and standards. Well-built landmark buildings can be around for hundreds of years and should be respected as we make our choices for renovating homes, office spaces, and housing.
Fine architecture is in the attention to details.
We are committed to respecting the sense of place and element; the views, the sunlight, every tree, every rock, while making buildings as energy-efficient as possible.
We work closely with our clients, beginning with their ideas, taking into consideration the natural setting, the budget and the objectives of the project. Planning, right thru to the construction phase, is done in close collaboration with the client.
The company founder, Robert Carl Williams moved to Vermont in the 1960’s to follow his vision of creating a body of architecture that is designed around its environment. In 1980 Daniel Pratt joined RCWA and is now the president and CEO.
“When I first interviewed Dan Pratt for my ‘dream project’, we spoke for about an hour. I was convinced by the end of our conversation that he was the person who would best serve my needs – and requirements. Dan is a totally honest dedicated professional. He is a superb listener – a trait of critical importance. Even more so, he’s a ‘Team Player’. I could not ask for more.
When the project was completed, we by no means went our separate ways; we remain close friends to this day.”